Endparalysis in DON nieuwsbrief

Artikel over Endparalysis in Dwarslaesie Organisatie Nederland  nieuwsbrief (Okt-Dec 2014) De Stichting Endparalysis, gelanceerd in juni 2014, wil onderzoek naar genezing van dwarslaesies versnellen. De stichting gaat fondsen werven voor onderzoeksprojecten en...

Partnership met ALARME

Partnering to accelerate research to cure spinal cord injury The Endparalysis Foundation is happy to announce a partnership with the ALARME Association. ALARME is a French organization (www.alarme.asso.fr) dedicated to supporting spinal cord injury research. It also...

Endparalysis @ ISCOS conferencie

ISCOS 2014 The Endparalysis Foundation recently participated in a global scientific conference regarding spinal cord injury (SCI). The International Spinal Cord Society (ISCOS) annual scientific meeting took place in Maastricht, Netherlands, September 2-4th, 2014....

European partnership

European research advocacy to cure spinal cord injury The Endparalysis Foundation just entered a partnership with the European Spinal Cord Injury Federation (www.ESCIF.org). The proposal for partnership was officially approved after Corinne Jeanmaire introduced the...

ED July 2014

Corinne Jeanmaire, the founder of Endparalysis foundation, was interviewed by the Eindhoven’s Dagblad (Dutch newspaper) about the launch of the new foundation supporting spinal cord injury research.

Lancering stichting

Juni 2014: Lancering van de stichting EndParalysis.  Lancering stichting. De Stichting Endparalysis werd in Eindhoven, Nederland officieel gelanceerd op 27 juni 2014. Er was een kamer vol geïnteresseerde mensen met verschillende achtergronden en interesses bijeen...