How it works
Get inspired
Get started!
Do you sometimes feel paralysed?
Whether physically-challenged or not, we all feel stuck now and then.
You can do something about it…
Dare move! Dare change! Energise & reinvent yourself through a “Unfreeze Your Body/ Mind” challenge
…and help us find a cure
Improve your own life through your challenge + enhance other’s future by raising funds to cure paralysis
How it works
Philosophy behind Unfreeze
- Unfreeze is here for YOU, whether physically- challenged or not!
- Win-Win: give your own life a sense of purpose and help us find a cure
- We offer our free platform & inspiration to set up your personal page
- 100% of funds raised goes to research
- Sharing your page with friends will help you meet your personal target
Get inspired by others
- Does your body feel heavy, or does your mind feel stuck?
- Do you want to rediscover the energy of the child in you? Walk, run, dance, move! Quit smoking, eat healthier, Unfreeze Your Body!
- Would you rather Unfreeze your mind and get creative?
- View other’s challenges for inspiration
Just do it, in four simple steps
- Choose a personal challenge as well as a fundraising target
- Contact us tor set up your personal challenge page
- Commit! Tell the world about your goal!
- Start your challenge. Regularly update and share your page with your friends for moral support (and to get donations for research!)
Get inspired!
In solidarity with my sister
€0 donated of €10.000 goal -
Together, prevention of spinal cord injury
A spinal cord injury is damage to the nerves in the spinal column and can happen to ANYONE. It leads to (partial or complete) paralysis of the body. Worldwide, approximately 27 million people currently live with paralysis, including many young people who must spend their entire lives in a wheelchair. With the campaign “Together against paralysis for and by young people”, Scholengemeenschap Were Di in Valkenswaard wants to inform as many young people as possible about the very serious consequences of paralysis. More importantly, thanks to an animation, we tell them how they can prevent this condition, simply by not doing crazy things to their bodies, and their lives!!! In the process, we are also raising money for scientific research to cure spinal cord injury. The money goes to the endParalysis foundation, which spends 100% of the funds raised on research into spinal cord injury cure. To support this action, we invite you to share this page with kids and parents, as much as possible, and to make a donation to fund spinal cord injury research by clicking (donate) below. Thank you in advance.
€2.337 donated of €1.000 goal -
Donations to SCI research as birthday present
My name is Lea, I am 19 years old and I became a quadriplegic (all four limbs are paralyzed) after a car accident. My life is now forever changed and I am dependent on the help of others for any basic activity, such as getting out of bed, doing my hair, going to the bathroom, etc. What about my future? It is right in front of me and I can still influence it. For my next birthday, I do not wish to receive a “STUFF”. I am tired of STUFF! I prefer HOPE… HOPE for me and for the millions of people around the world who are currently living with a spinal cord injury. For me, HOPE means SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH to cure paralysis. We need more research devoted entirely to the functional recovery of people currently living with spinal cord injury. That’s why I created this page to collect donations for spinal cord injury research as a birthday gift. You can make a donation to spinal cord injury research by clicking on the donate button below. Your donation will go to the endParalysis Foundation. They are the real deal: they use 100% of your donation to fund regenerative research to cure chronic paralysis. Thank you very much in advance!
€1.090 donated of €1.000 goal -
Marion’s challenge: walk the Handelse Processie for my father
Fundraising for spinal cord injury research: Marion’s “Unfreeze” challenge: walk the “Handelse Processie” and raise funds for cure research. … My father and I were 2 hands in one. The weird thing is that I was always afraid of losing him. We did so much together. One of the things we did was our annual trek from Valkenswaard to Handel (the Handel procession). As crazy as it was, I told him I was afraid that one day I would have to make the trip alone without him. My dear father died of a spinal cord injury in November after a fall. Since his birthday would be on April 12, I want to do this especially for him and raise money for the endParalysis foundation. This foundation is dedicated to spinal cord injury research. Do you want to support me? Then click on “Donate” below. 100% of your donation goes to spinal cord injury research!
€825 donated of €500 goal -
Koen’s Challenge: Rotterdam marathon in 4.5 hours for spinal cord injury research
I am going to run the Rotterdam marathon. I am blessed with a good and strong body and I want to use it to raise money for the Foundation, which is dedicated to research to cure spinal cord injury. I myself have no nerve injury but a good friend of mine has suffered a high spinal cord injury. If you would like to support me, please click on “Donate” below (100% of your donation goes to spinal cord injury research).
€725 donated of €750 goal -
Corinne’s Unfreeze challenge: yoga for paraplegic
Welcome to Corinne’s “Unfreeze Your Body/ Mind challenge”: yoga for paraplegic. Breathe, get grounded, “rise above”… This is the promise of yoga … also for people living with a spinal cord injury. Therefore, I am challenging myself to learn full-body paraplegic yoga and to practice it on a regular basis. Yoga courses for physically challenged people are rare and I am learning on my own, with the help of internet. My end goal is to post various pictures of yoga asanas (poses), and ultimately to make and share a video that will help others to get started.
€9.890 donated of €10.000 goal -
Serena’s fundraising challenge: travelling alone
This is my “Unfreeze Your Mind” challenge: I will be travelling alone for 3 months around South East Asia. My goal is to unfreeze my mind, discover new cultures, be an ethical traveler, become more self-confident. I, as well, wish to challenge other women to travel alone because a woman should feel as free to travel as a man. Through this campaign, I am also raising funds for research into curing spinal cord injury. Will you support me through a donation to the endParalysis foundation?
€731 donated of €500 goal -
Jos collects donations to cure paralysis as a birthday present
Collecting donations to cure paralysis as present: It will soon be party time at Jos’ house! He purposely indicated that he did not want a gift for his birthday, but would prefer a donation to a spinal cord injury research foundation, a.k.a. endParalysis. We think it is a great cause and a very thoughtful gift. Maybe you would like to participate as well, for example by making a donation to the foundation below?
€340 donated of €300 goal -
Elise & Steef walk the Camino de Santiago & raise funds for spinal cord research
We will walk the Camino to Santiago de Compostella from September 17 to October 9 (440 km of the more than 800 km) and also want to raise money for research to cure spinal cord injury. Will you support us with a donation to the endParalysis Foundation?
€4.288 donated of €5.000 goal -
Dance and raise funds for spinal cord injury research
Dance in Paris “esplanade du Trocadéro” on 26th of December 2016 @ 8:00 pm
€1.120 donated of €1.000 goal -
Eric’s Unfreeze challenge: je veux m’alléger !
Les années passent et on se sent de plus en plus lourd, de tous points de vue. Il est temps pour moi de me bouger et de m’alléger d’une dizaine de kg. J’ai voulu me lancer ce défi souvent, très souvent… Mais je n’ai jamais réussi à continuer. Alors, pour m’aider à tenir, je prends le défi Unfreeze avec la fondation endParalysis et invite mes amis à me soutenir par leurs dons! Une idée : qui versera quelques euros pour chaque kilo que je perds ( cliquez sur bouton Donate pour donner à la fondation) ? Cela serait un fantastique encouragement !
€500 donated of €500 goal -
Mayra’s Unfreeze challenge: Meditate and bike!
For a long time already, I have been willing to create a routine to meditate. I have experienced all the benefits of meditation like quieting my mind (from the outside noise), observing and understanding my deeper feelings and finding inner peace. I know meditation can help me enjoy my present life more. So, I’ll work hard to create this routine in three months. Because body and mind are much interlinked, I also plan to bike and to invite friends to bike with me! Please support me through donations to the endParalysis foundation (Donate button below). 100% of your donations go to research to cure spinal cord injury. Thanks!
€370 donated of €300 goal -
Isabelle’s challenge: creative sewing to raise funds for SCI research
Sewing to raise funds for SCI research: I want to start using the sewing machine (a family heritage) that is lying in the house for years already. Reading some blogs from people showing you examples of their own creation, I am getting inspired. So far, however, I never managed to start, as if I was afraid of that machine! Now, I have decided to take up the challenge, to Unfreeze my mind and raise funds for research to cure spinal cord injury! Please encourage me through your donations to endParalysis foundation (donate button below)! Thanks!
€460 donated of €500 goal -
Lose weight AND raise funds for spinal cord research
Lose weight AND raise funds for spinal cord research to cure paralysis. Lets see if this works ? I need to lose 7kg without losing muscle mass and drop below <15% body fat. "Experts" have told me the way to do it and I'm willing to try. I'll update this throughout the weeks so you can see my progress!
€410 donated of €300 goal -
Laure’s Unfreeze challenge: learn Spanish in 90 days !!!
Mon défi dans le cadre du programme Unfreeze de la fondation endParalysis : apprendre l’espagnol en 90 jours ! My Unfreeze challenge to support the endParalysis foundation: learn Spanish in 90 days!
€550 donated of €500 goal -
Corinne’s challenge: Therapeutic walking with spinal cord injury
Therapeutic walking with spinal cord injury AND raise funds to cure paralysis, that’s my challenge. Welcome to my “Unfreeze Your Body” Challenge! This picture is real, it is me, “walking” on the Van Gogh cycling path… Before the beginning of my Unfreeze challenge, I felt more “paralyzed” than I should…That’s exactly why I wanted to stretch my limits! I just didn’t want to be glued to my chair anymore. I knew that I needed to move, use my whole body, including my legs, even if it’s only on a therapeutic basis. My target: do therapeutic walking again and move my body about four hours per week. Want to encourage me? Please click on Donate below. All funds go to research to cure spinal cord injury via the endParalysis foundation. Thanks!
€15.746 donated of €10.000 goal
Set up YOUR personal challenge page
Please contact us below and we will help you set up your personal fundraising challenge page.
Contact us
endParalysis foundation
Cederlaan 135