Therapeutic walking with spinal cord injury AND raise funds to cure paralysis, that’s my challenge. Welcome to my “Unfreeze Your Body” Challenge! This picture is real, it is me, “walking” on the Van Gogh cycling path… Before the beginning of my Unfreeze challenge, I felt more “paralyzed” than I should…That’s exactly why I wanted to stretch my limits! I just didn’t want to be glued to my chair anymore. I knew that I needed to move, use my whole body, including my legs, even if it’s only on a therapeutic basis. My target: do therapeutic walking again and move my…
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Life is a bit tough sometimes, but this is not a reason to remain stuck. I was not able to move as much as I wanted over the past months and I feel that my body needs to wake up. So here is what I commit to do under this 3-month-challenge (I will regularly post updates and pictures/videos on this page to inform you about my progress):
1.Hometrainer: I have recently reinstalled it in my apartment and I want to challenge myself to bike on it three times a week (circa 15min each). Don’t expect a great performance here. I expect about 5km/week. Getting on the hometrainer on my own is already a challenge. Pushing the pedals without any working leg muscles seems to happen through some sort of black magic.
.Therapeutic walk: For many years I used to walk with braces and a walker five times a week. I was very fanatic. Then I had health issues and could not exercise anymore. Then I just lost the habit. It’s gonna be tough to start again, as I need to build up the strength and master the technique again (in the absence of working leg muscles, I actually walk using the strength of my upper body). My target is to start walking a few minutes and to build it up to 45 min. twice a week at the end of my challenge…
3.Handbike: Summer is (still) here. No excuse for staying home. Let’s get out there and breathe! My target is to ride about 30 km per week with my handbike. Honestly, it’s not much. Again, it’s not a question of performance, it’s a matter of attitude 😉 and starting is not enough… I also need to stick to it!
Updates, photos and videos
Watch the short videos below!
August 15, 2016: Challenge kickoff. These are the counters of my handbike (46km) and hometrainer (2192.4 km) before starting the challenge.
August 18, 2016 : Second training session with the hometrainer.Watch this short video!
August 18, 2016: Therapeutic walk with braces and walker. Second training session.
Watch this short video!
Nov. 12th, 2016: The challenge has been going on for 13 weeks (almost 3 months) now!
Handbike: Yes, on target (448-46=402 km over 13 weeks, i.e. 30.9km per week).
Hometrainer: Yes, also on target! The counter now reads 2260 which means 2260-2192.4 = 68km over 13 weeks, i.e. 5.2km/week, as per my target!).
November 12th, 2016 : Unfortunately, I had to stop with my walking exercises for a while because of two pressure sores under my toes. When you have pressure sores, the most critical thing to do is to prevent additional pressure. The sores are not due to walking, they appear on a chronic basis and usually disappear after some weeks of rest. My therapeutic walking is not on target, I have to confess. I am not yet able to walk the 45 min non stop as promised. I am simply going to continue with the challenge to get it to target, on a continuous basis.
Oct. 16th, 2016: The challenge has been going on for 2 months now!
Handbike: still going strong and up to target (361-46=315 km over 8 weeks, i.e. 39km per week).
Hometrainer: the counter now reads 2232.4 which means 2232.4-2192.4 = 40km over 8 weeks, i.e. exactly 5km/week. I am now on target!
October, 2016 : A therapeutic walking session on the Van Gogh cycling path Eindhoven (NL). The artist Daan Roosegaarde developed that 600 metre cycle path, inspired by the Starry Night painting by Van Gogh. The thousands of twinkling stones are charged by daylight and light up at night. It a very special experience for me and I am very grateful to the talented friend who accompanied me for this mini-adventure and made these great pictures at night and without any professional equipment!
Sept. 20th, 2016: The challenge has been going on for more than a month now! Handbike: I made a lot of km with it (216-46=170 km over 5 weeks, i.e.34km per week).My handbike challenge target is met for the period!
Hometrainer: the counter reads 2214, which means 2214.1-2192.4 = 17.7km, i.e. 3.5km/week. I am not totally up to target because of two weeks out of home, with no possibility to train on the hometrainer, but I plan to catch up over the longer run.
Sept 19, 2016 : A walking session at the Eiffel tower! Quite a nice and lively environment for a workout! My walking performance was quite bad to say the truth. I was quite tired from traveling and therefore my posture is not good at all.