A spinal cord injury is damage to the nerves in the spinal column and can happen to ANYONE. It leads to (partial or complete) paralysis of the body. Worldwide, approximately 27 million people currently live with paralysis, including many young people who must spend their entire lives in a wheelchair. With the campaign “Together against paralysis for and by young people”, Scholengemeenschap Were Di in Valkenswaard wants to inform as many young people as possible about the very serious consequences of paralysis. More importantly, thanks to an animation, we tell them how they can prevent this condition, simply by not doing crazy things to their bodies, and their lives!!! In the process, we are also raising money for scientific research to cure spinal cord injury. The money goes to the endParalysis foundation, which spends 100% of the funds raised on research into spinal cord injury cure. To support this action, we invite you to share this page with kids and parents, as much as possible, and to make a donation to fund spinal cord injury research by clicking (donate) below. Thank you in advance.

233.70% Raised
€2.337 donated of €1.000 goal
12 Donors

Ons dank aan Zoë Ritzaléo voor de Nederlandse voiceover.

Dwarslaesie – uitleg voor kinderen en pubers: Hoe werken het lichaam, de zenuwen, het ruggenmerg? – Hoe ontstaat een dwarslaesie? – Hoe kun jij een dwarslaesie voorkomen? – Hoe kun jij aan onderzoek naar dwarslaesie-genezing bijdragen? Bekijk deze leuke en informatieve animatie-video! Copyrights note: Zie beneden.

Copyrights: endParalysis foundation is a non-profit organisation aiming to support and accelerate research toward curing chronic spinal cord injury. Copyrights: We thank EMI publishing, BELIEVE, and UMG, as well as Fatboy Slim for authorizing the endParalysis Foundation (non profit organization /”ANBI stichting”registered in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, under the name ”Stichting Endparalysis.org” . Ref Kvk 59372087) to use the soundtrack ”Right here, Right now”. We thank Neil Sachse for Spinal Cord Research, and the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute to allow us to use their series of animations as a basis to compile this video.