In solidariteit met mijn zus... mijn uitdaging:

Bij mijn oudere zus (rechts op de foto) is kanker geconstateerd. Ik had mijn haar kunnen afscheren, maar ik heb ervoor gekozen om iets te doen wat nog uitdagender voor me is: een suikerarm dieet + minstens 50 minuten sporten 6 keer per week.

Waarom? Talrijke wetenschappelijke publicaties tonen aan dat een gezond dieet + dagelijkse lichaamsbeweging, bovenop conventionele behandelingen, de uitkomst van de ziekte kan verbeteren.

Doneer hieronder om ons beiden aan te moedigen om ons aan onze uitdaging te houden en om onderzoek naar de genezing van verlamming te steunen. Hartelijk dank!

Doel: €10.000
11.75% ingezameld
€1.175 gedoneerd
4 Donateurs
XX Days Left
  • About MY challenge

    My sister was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She's getting standard of care treatment (chemo ++). Based on numerous scientific publications,  it seems that a healthy diet, coming on top of the conventional treatment, might help improve the outcome of the disease. Therefore, in solidarity with my sister, I am now following a healthy diet just like her: she is quitting most added sugars, carbs, highly-processed food, and I follow an "anti-inflammatory" diet.

    Besides helping my sister, my personal goal is to try and curb down my ever increasing neuropathic pain and arthritis.

    Will you encourage both of us? You can do so by making a donation (donate button above). 100% of your gift will go to research towards curing chronic spinal cord injury. Thanks in advance for your support.


  • About endParalysis foundation

    The endParalysis foundation's goal is to accelerate research into curing chronic spinal cord injury. We are a non-profit organisation (ANBI status) which entitles donors to obtain tax-relief in the Netherlands, under certain conditions. If you are taxable in France or another European country, you may also get tax refund thanks to our partners in these countries. In the latter case, please contact us to ensure tax relief.

  • Do YOU need a challenge?