My name is Lea, I am 19 years old and I became a quadriplegic (all four limbs are paralyzed) after a car accident. My life is now forever changed and I am dependent on the help of others for any basic activity, such as getting out of bed, doing my hair, going to the bathroom, etc. What about my future? It is right in front of me and I can still influence it. For my next birthday, I do not wish to receive a “STUFF”. I am tired of STUFF! I prefer HOPE… HOPE for me and for the millions of people around the world who are currently living with a spinal cord injury. For me, HOPE means SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH to cure paralysis. We need more research devoted entirely to the functional recovery of people currently living with spinal cord injury. That’s why I created this page to collect donations for spinal cord injury research as a birthday gift. You can make a donation to spinal cord injury research by clicking on the donate button below. Your donation will go to the endParalysis Foundation. They are the real deal: they use 100% of your donation to fund regenerative research to cure chronic paralysis. Thank you very much in advance!

109.00% ingezameld
€1.090 gedoneerd van €1.000 doel
10 Donateurs