Sewing to raise funds for SCI research: I want to start using the sewing machine (a family heritage) that is lying in the house for years already. Reading some blogs from people showing you examples of their own creation, I am getting inspired. So far, however, I never managed to start, as if I was afraid of that machine! Now, I have decided to take up the challenge, to Unfreeze my mind and raise funds for research to cure spinal cord injury! Please encourage me through your donations to endParalysis foundation (donate button below)! Thanks!
Please encourage me through a donation to endParalysis. Every Euro that you donate via the Donate button goes directly to fund research into finding a cure for spinal cord injuries; the endParalysis foundation is completely transparent and all the donations received (100%) go to fund this research. You are also entitled to tax refund if you donate from a European country, e.g. Germany or France (If you wish to get tax deduction, click on Donate, and then choose the payment option: Donate with tax deduction in Europe).
I will regularly post some pictures of my own creations on this page (don’t expect work of art in the beginning, since I have never used a sewing machine in my life!). I invite you to follow my progress and to create your own challenge (see more about the Unfreeze program in the menu on the right). Join me: challenge yourself to Unfreeze your mind and/or your body! Many thanks to you all for your support to me and the endParalysis foundation!
- A small colourful child backpack.
Nov. 28th, 2016: The challenge has just started. I had never used a sewing machine before and I made my very first creations:
- an advent calendar