It could happen to YOU!


WE have an IMPACT

We need YOUR help

Spinal Cord Injury is devastating

Spinal Cord Injury means far more than not being able to walk: it impairs your sensations, your bowel & bladder control, your sexual function. In worse cases, it results in paralysis of all four limbs requiring round the clock assistance & even breathing support. 

It can happen to you / your child

 27 million people live with a Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) worldwide (Source). A fall, an accident or surgery complication: in a split of a second, your beloved one’s life can be forever changed.

 A unique spinal cord injury cure research foundation focusing on chronic SCI

To cure chronic spinal cord injuries, not only do we need more funds for research but also a different, more goal-driven approach. This is what we stand for and implement. Support us!

What we do

We are accelerating research to find A CURE FOR CHRONIC SPINAL CORD INJURY by:

  • Co-funding high-impact goal-driven research projects

  • Promoting a more collaborative, integrative, goal-driven approach to identify & bridge the gaps to cure

We are UNIQUE, & this is WHY


100% of your gift is spent on research projects (our operating costs are covered by our board members)
100% of your donation is used for research targeting FUNCTIONAL BIOLOGICAL repair towards curing SCI
100% of your donation is used for research applicable to people currently living with Spinal Cord Injury (Chronic SCI)
Your money is spent with utmost rigour thanks to our research project scientific validation process
We offer you 100% transparency about what we spend, what we do, and our results

We have an impact!

Our achievements

See what we do with your gift/support year after year. Each year we publish a detailed and transparent annual report in three languages on our website… Feel free to have a look and reach out for more info where needed.
Learn more

Our research overview

We provide a unique lay overview of international pre-clinical and clinical research for people with a chronic SCI. It is by far not exhaustive but provides information about various research directions, and about current/ upcoming human trials. Learn more

The research we fund

100% of your donation goes to research to cure chronic SCI. Learn more about our very specific focus, our scientific selection process and see an overview of the research projects or studies we have financed so far and their status or results. Learn more

Please help us


Make a donation / leave a gift in your will
Collect donations as a present
Donate for free when shopping

Raise funds for research! 

Take a fundraising Unfreeze challenge
Unfreeze Your Body!

Raise funds for research! 

Take a fundraising Unfreeze challenge
Unfreeze Your Body!

Contact us
endParalysis foundation

Cederlaan 135

Call us: (+31) 6 22 788 798